Learn How to Effectively Grow and Operate Your Business to Get the Results You Need

You're either here because you're finally ready to get your business off of the ground and aren't sure where to start, OR you're here because you've started your business and you've reached a crossroads. You're either going to grow it to live up to the dream and expectations you've had about it, or give up. You can't keep working these long hours and dealing with this level of stress to keep getting the same results. You can't keep having the good days/weeks/months followed by bad days/weeks/months without any rhyme or reason as to what is feeding your success. "Just keep hustling" is starting not to sound like such great advice.

Just like many things in life, your business will need to go through stages. Understanding those stages, and having the knowledge to navigate those stages to make them WORK FOR YOU is the key.

Simply having a great idea isn't enough.

Simply having a great product or service that people need isn't enough.

Simply starting the business isn't enough.

Simply promoting via social media isn't enough.

Getting the business started and starting to make income isn't even enough.

You need to be able to strategically navigate the nuances of being an entrepreneur and parlay your knowledge and learnings into a business that is profitable and sustainable so that you can enjoy the BENEFITS of entrepreneurship.

What if you had the opportunity to learn DIRECTLY from someone with more than a decade of experience as an entrepreneur?

What if that someone built a multi-million dollar company from the ground up during one of the most difficult economic downturns? (not to mention, was able to pivot during the pandemic and continue to thrive)

What if that someone created a program that would provide the guidance, advice, and tools you need to take ACTIONABLE STEPS to start, grow, and scale your business?

The FireStarter Mentoring Program provides all of this and more. As a bonus, you'll also be connected with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who become your push partners. You can't help but to finally get the results you've dreamed of!

It's time to..

  • Stop wasting time trying to figure out where to start, and finally get your business off the ground
  • Transform that "side hustle" into a legitimately profitable business
  • Consistently generate enough revenue for you to feel confident that you no longer need a "day job"
  • Stop wasting energy guessing, and get PERSONAL and SPECIFIC guidance on what you should do next in your business
  • Stop feeling isolated and alone in this challenging journey, and get connected with a support network and sisterhood of other women entrepreneurs

Here's What a few Fire Starters have to say!

A few Fire Starters were asked this question: What would you say to someone who is on the fence about working with me or joining FireStarter Mentoring?

"FireStarter Mentoring has certainly lit a fire under me! Doing the work (although it seems so challenging at first) has increased my confidence, and yanked me out of my comfort zone. Looking forward to amazing myself at what I will create and accomplish through this program!" ~Queuing J., CEO of WisdomforWellbeings (Chicago)

"This program is amazing. Mazda pushes me in the areas that I was scared to face myself and makes each goal attached to each task feel attainable." ~Tiera S., CEO of Awakened Destiny (Philadelphia)

"The FireStarter Mentoring program has equipped me with the necessary tools to grow my business so that I can surpass the goals that I have set. It is a fun, exciting, and judgement free program that encourages you to challenge yourself to be and do better. The instructor Mazda Miles is a great motivator and very knowledgeable of all matters pertaining to starting and growing your business. The other business owners in my cohort are also supportive and will give ideas based on their own experiences. I am glad I took that leap of faith and joined the FireStarter Mentoring program." ~Zuhairah M., CEO of Creative Movement Expressions (New York)

"If you’re on the fence, jump off and land in Mazda-land! The Program is aptly named: FireStarter, as you will feel the flames of action moving you towards your desired destination with your vision. It’s great to be coached by someone with a long and successful track record, who is also vulnerable and generous with her experiences and guidance." ~Valerie G., CEO of Soul-Full Affirmations (Philadelphia)


There are packages for any budget, and any place in the journey as an entrepreneur. Find the plan that's right for you, and apply below!


Do you need to START your business?

  • Monthly Mentoring Masterclass
  • On-demand resources
  • Custom workbooks and templates
  • Access to the FireStarter Community
  • Personal evaluation on growing your business
  • Instagram Lives with Mazda
  • Guest Appearance on the Restrooms & Boardrooms Podcast
  • Published article about your business
  • Entered into annual raffle to win $1,000 to help grow business


Plus one-time $25 setup fee



Do you need to GROW your business?

  • Monthly Mentoring Masterclass
  • On-demand resources
  • Custom workbooks and templates
  • Access to the FireStarter Community
  • 1 Personal evaluation on growing your business
  • 3 Instagram Lives with Mazda
  • Guest Appearance on the Restrooms & Boardrooms Podcast
  • Published article about your business
  • Entered into annual raffle to win $1,000 to help grow business


Plus one-time $25 setup fee


Is it time to EXPAND your business?

  • Monthly Mentoring Masterclass
  • On-demand resources
  • Custom workbooks and templates
  • Access to the FireStarter Community
  • Quarterly personal evaluation on scaling your business
  • Bi-monthly Instagram Lives with Mazda
  • Guest Appearance on the Restrooms & Boardrooms Podcast
  • Published article about your business
  • Entered into annual raffle to win $1,000 to help grow business


Plus one-time $25 setup fee


We've got A's for your Q's

Am I locked into the subscription for a certain period of time?

The program is designed to run for 12 months, however, you are never locked in. Subscriptions are month-to-month, and can be canceled at any time. I created this program on the subscription/membership model because I believe in allowing the customer to reaffirm their value of the program by continuing vs. locking you long-term.  

Do I need to already have started my business to join?

No. Many mentees in the program have told me that the material and sessions have provided them the foundation for building the business they want to launch, rather than rewinding things they've already created.

How often does the group meet?

FireStarter cohorts meet twice monthly, virtually. This is a masterclass format where I teach a lesson on a business topic and then give individuals an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. It is highly interactive, via a small small group of no more than 10 individuals.

How much do I have to participate?

You will get the richest experience by attending each session live, and completing the coursework within the defined period of time. However, you will have access to all of the materials including replays of the sessions, so that if you must miss a masterclass you still have access to the information on demand.

What tools will I need?

You only need yourself, your computer or laptop, an internet connection, and a way to receive and share information.

Why do I need to apply prior to joining?

Enrollment for new cohorts is only open at specified times, and space is limited to ensure we maintain the integrity of the program. As I provide sacred space and invaluable resources for entrepreneurs, it is of the utmost importance to me that I only grant entry to dedicated, intentional and focused entrepreneurs who are ready for the journey.

What types of topics do you cover during the masterclass?

Here are just a few of the topics we will cover:

  • Ready, Set, GO! Business Planning When You Don’t Know Where to Start, OR have already started!
  • Recipe for Success: Growing and Sustaining Your Business with a Results Driven Sales Process
  • Know your Numbers: Basic Accounting for Small Business
  • Shall we Dance? Understanding and Planning for your Cash Flow Cadence
  • Show me the MONEY: Pricing for Profitability
  • Minimizing Tax Liability and Maximizing Working Capital (featuring the Fairy Tax Mother as guest speaker)
  • Crafting and Executing Digital and Analog Marketing Plans You will Achieve

What is the format of the bi-monthly virtual masterclass?

I teach a lesson on a business topic, and then have time for personal questions so that I (and the group) can provide feedback on ways to solve some of the challenges you may be having in your business. Following the mentoring session there is classwork which must be completed within the two weeks until we meet again. I am available for questions through our online portal, and I provide feedback on all of the classwork, which are specific ACTIONABLE lessons and worksheets that help you take steps to advance your business. This is HANDS ON training from someone who has been a business owner, and grew a business from nothing to multi-millions over the past decade.



Do you have questions that I haven't answered above? Feel free to drop me a line, and I'll get right back to you!